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News, stories and ideas worth reading

How much does it cost to replace an electric car battery?

Two main fears accompany those choosing to switch to electric cars. One – will there be enough places to charge it? Two – what if the battery malfunctions? While the first fear may be addressed quite easily as more and more charging stations are being built, the second still holds its ground.
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Electric car safety – concerns vs. reality

While being a more and more everyday sight, electric vehicles still have a novelty ring to them. And, as is the case with many novelties, they are the objects of numerous safety concerns. 
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Electric car maintenance – not all that different

What exactly is electric car maintenance? How much does it cost to keep it running smoothly? How different is it when compared to a regular, gas-powered vehicle? Those are some of the questions a potential buyer asks themselves before switching to a battery-powered car.
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